About Us
Today, we are working with a wide range of partners, all throughout the VR community.
We continue to invest in our relationships with partners such as Virtual Reality Master League (VRML), Kangorillaz, and more we believe that these cornerstone organizations and people in the VR Community are integral to the growth and development of Virtual Reality Esports.
Virtual Reality is quickly growing and already has a well-developed ecosystem. There are approximately 200 Million active VR Users and more on the way. Our goal is to provide virtual reality apparel to millions of VR enthusiasts! We strive to provide exceptional quality in our designs and aid the growth and development of Virtual Reality Esports through sponsorship, partnerships, and donations.
Nuestra historia
Nuestra marca nace el año 2021 en pleno contexto pandemia. Comenzamos a ser fanáticos de los perfumes desde temprana edad y es una pasión que hemos compartido en nuestra familia. Comercializamos perfumes originales a todo el País a precios convenientes. Si tienes alguna pregunta utiliza los canales oficiales y estaremos feliz de poder ayudarte.